Meshing around with Istio and EKS

Dec 21, 2018 12:56 · 1905 words · 9 minute read kubernetes aws containers istio

In this post, as you may have gathered from the title, I’m going to be playing around with Istio and Amazon EKS. Earlier this year (2018) I presented a demo of deploying Istio to EKS.

Picture of Mitch

Cleaning up the mesh with a service mesh

However, at that time, EKS was missing support for dynamic admission controllers. This meant that a few additional steps had to be taken in order for Istio to be deployed correctly in to an EKS based Kubernetes cluster.

In October of this year support for Dynamic Admission Controllers was added to EKS. I wanted to revisit the demo I put together previously to understand if this new functionality simplified the process of deploying and operating Istio on EKS.

So, let’s go!

Create a Cluster Using eksctl

I’m going to start by creating a new EKS cluster. I’m happy to report that as of December 20th 2018 Amazon EKS is now supported in my home region on ap-southeast-2 (Sydney). I’ll be creating my clusters in that region using the awseome command line tool eksctl.

eksctl create cluster --region ap-southeast-2  

Testing 1 … 2 … 3

After a few minutes, the EKS control plane and nodes should be up and running. Let’s run a few simple tests to ensure that everything is looking healthy.

aws eks list-clusters --region ap-souteast-2  

“clusters”: [

kubectl get nodes  

ip-192-168-38-190.ap-southeast-2.compute.internal Ready 3m v1.11.5
ip-192-168-93-109.ap-southeast-2.compute.internal Ready 3m v1.11.5

Looking good so far!

Installing Helm

We're going to setup Istio within the EKS cluster using Helm\[1\], so for my next trick, I am going to install Helm in to my EKS cluster.

Begin by creating the service account required by the Tiller\[2\] service for doing stuff.

kubectl create -f

\[1\]: Helm is the package manager for Kubernetes. As an operating system package manager makes it easy to install tools on an OS, Helm makes it easy to install applications and resources into Kubernetes clusters.

\[2\]: Tiller is the in-cluster component of Helm. It interacts directly with the Kubernetes API server to install, upgrade, query, and remove Kubernetes resources. It also stores the objects that represent releases.

Next, we will initialise Helm within the EKS cluster using the serice account which we created earlier.

helm init –service-account tiller

Let's do a quick check to ensure that things were installed as expected

kubectl get pods –all-namespaces

You should expect to see a pod with a **NAME** that looks something like this **tiller-deploy-64ddd985c9-qcw2g**.

Download the latest Istio release

Before we can install Istio, we need to download the Istio components.

curl -L | sh -  

Switch to the newly created directory.

cd istio-1.0.x

Installing the custom resource definitions

Istio requires a number of customer resources\[1\] to be created within the Kubernetes API to support it's various modes of operation and features. We can use the pre-provided CRD\[2\] (Custom resource definitions) to create these custom resources within the Kubernetes API.

kubectl apply -f install/kubernetes/helm/istio/templates/crds.yaml

\[1\]: A custom resource is an object that extends the Kubernetes API or allows you to introduce your own API into a project or a cluster.

\[2\]: A custom resource definition (CRD) file defines your own object kinds and lets the API Server handle the entire lifecycle. Deploying a CRD into the cluster causes the Kubernetes API server to begin serving the specified custom resource.

Installing Istio using Helm

In 2018 BDAC (Before Dynamic Admission Controllers) in order to successfully install and run Istio on EKS you need to disable some specific features using parameter flags.

`sidecarInjectorWebhook.enabled=false` and `global.configValidation=false`

However, in 2018 ADAC (After Dynamic Admission Controllers) we can deloy simply, using the following command:

helm install install/kubernetes/helm/istio –name istio –namespace istio-system \
–set servicegraph.enabled=true \
–set tracing.enabled=true \
–set grafana.enabled=true

Label the default namespace for sidecar injection

In order for the automatic sidecar injection to function, we need to add some metadata to the Kubernetes namespace in to which we plan to deploy our pods. We'll use a simple label with the key "istio-injection" and the value "enabled".

kubectl label namespace default istio-injection=enabled

Deploying the demo application

We're now all set to deploy our application. This particular demo application is made up of two discrete services. The **gopher-requester** and the **gopher-distrubutor**.

### What does this application do?

It's _incredibly sophisticated_. When a call is made to the **gopher-requester**, using **curl** for example, that call is passed along to the **gopher-distributor**.


The **gopher-distributor** constructs a response and sends it back along the calls stack.

Let's start with the **gopher-requester**

kubectl apply -f ../gopher-requester/deployment.yaml

And now the **gopher-distributor**

kubectl apply -f ../gopher-distributor/deployment.yaml

Once these pods have been deployed, you should be able to check if the sidecar container has been injected

kubectl get pods

The output should look something like this

gopher-distributor-694fd4f4db-24csn 2/2 Running 0 1m
gopher-distributor-694fd4f4db-4hk9t 2/2 Running 0 1m
gopher-distributor-694fd4f4db-gnn4g 2/2 Running 0 1m
gopher-requester-7d5cbc7989-bw8zc 2/2 Running 0 52s
gopher-requester-7d5cbc7989-tw69r 2/2 Running 0 43s
gopher-requester-7d5cbc7989-whxcm 2/2 Running 0 36s

If you unpack one of those pods using some JQ-foo ...

kubectl get po/gopher-distributor-694fd4f4db-24csn -o json | jq ‘.spec.containers[].name’

... we should see that there are infact two containers running within the context of the pod. One for our core application, which in this case is our **gopher-distributor** and another, our Istio proxy sidecar (Envoy)


Testing our application is responding

We'll use **curl** to make sure that we're getting a response back from our application.

curl $(kubectl get svc gopher-requester -o json | jq ‘.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].hostname’ | tr -d ‘"')

Hopeully we now see something like this:

Request » Gopher Version 1 from pod gopher-distributor-694fd4f4db-gnn4g

Let's now open up another terminal emulator window or tab. We will use the following `while` statement to generate some traffic to our application.

while true;do curl $(kubectl get svc -l app=gopher -o jsonpath=’{.items[0].status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].hostname}');sleep 1;done

We should now be seeing a fairly even distribution of responses back from different instances of the **gopher-distributor** service running within the cluster.

Request » Gopher Version 1 from pod gopher-distributor-694fd4f4db-gnn4g
Request » Gopher Version 1 from pod gopher-distributor-694fd4f4db-4hk9t
Request » Gopher Version 1 from pod gopher-distributor-694fd4f4db-24csn
Request » Gopher Version 1 from pod gopher-distributor-694fd4f4db-gnn4g
Request » Gopher Version 1 from pod gopher-distributor-694fd4f4db-4hk9t
Request » Gopher Version 1 from pod gopher-distributor-694fd4f4db-24csn
Request » Gopher Version 1 from pod gopher-distributor-694fd4f4db-gnn4g

Laying down some ground rules

Before Istio can start doing anything useful for us, we need to tell it about our application and the services that make up our application. Let's start by creating **VirtualServices** (these are API resources) that represent out **gopher-requester** and **gopher-distribtor** services

cat «EOF | kubectl apply -f -
kind: VirtualService
name: gopher-requester-virtual-service

  • “*”
  • gopher-gateway
  • match:
    • uri:
      prefix: /
    • destination:
      host: gopher-requester.default.svc.cluster.local
      number: 80

kind: VirtualService
name: gopher-distributor-virtual-service

  • gopher-distributor.default.svc.cluster.local
  • route:
    • destination:
      host: gopher-distributor.default.svc.cluster.local
      subset: v1

kind: DestinationRule
name: gopher-distributor-route-rule
host: gopher-distributor.default.svc.cluster.local

  • name: v1
    version: v1
  • name: v2
    version: v2

We should see some output confirming that our routing rules have been created. Sweet! “gopher-requester-virtual-service” created “gopher-distributor-virtual-service” created “gopher-distributor-route-rule” created

Dark Launch

Great, so now we have our application, Istio and some Istio rules that help route (amongst other things) our service calls.

Let's now experiment with a particularly cool feature of Istio called traffic mirroring. This feature lets us launch a new version of our service and mirror production traffic to it, without actually making it **live**.

We'll start by deploying a new version of our **gopher-distributor** service:

kubectl apply -f ../gopher-distributor-v2/deployment.yaml

Checking back in with our test call in the other terminal windoe/tab, we see everything looks pretty much normal. We are still getting responses from v1 of our distributor.

Request » Gopher Version 1 from pod gopher-distributor-694fd4f4db-gnn4g
Request » Gopher Version 1 from pod gopher-distributor-694fd4f4db-4hk9t
Request » Gopher Version 1 from pod gopher-distributor-694fd4f4db-24csn

Let's now up the **VirtualService** for the **gopher-distributor** to include some traffic **mirror** magic.

cat «EOF | kubectl apply -f -
kind: VirtualService
name: gopher-distributor-virtual-service

  • gopher-distributor.default.svc.cluster.local
  • route:
    • destination:
      host: gopher-distributor.default.svc.cluster.local
      subset: v1
      weight: 100
      host: gopher-distributor.default.svc.cluster.local
      subset: v2

If we deconstruct the updated rule, all it's really saying is for 100 percent of requests to the hostname **gopher-distributor.default.svc.cluster.local** send requests to the v1 subset of that service, but also **mirror** the requests to the v2 subset (which is the version we just deployed).

Observability included

Okay, so we've done that, but nothing really changed. How do we know traffic is actually going to v2? Enter Grafana. We instructed Istio to setup Grafana when we ran the helm Installer for Istio earlier.

We're going to tap in to the awesome port-forward function of **kubectl** to access the Grafana instance that Istio very kindly configured for us.

kubectl -n istio-system port-forward $(kubectl -n istio-system get pod -l app=grafana -o jsonpath=’{.items[0]}') 3000:3000 &

Once that's done, up your browser of choice and then navigate to the following URL:


You should now be able to see two instances of the **gopher-distributor** service. **v1** and **v2**.

![Image of Grafana](

The metrics should look pretty identical and that's down to the mirroring.

The cutover

Okay, so now that we are happy that the new version of our **gopher-distributor** service is behaving, let's start an incremental cutover.

This next rule us going to update the gopher-distributor **VirtualServce** and split requests 50/50 between v1 and v2.

cat «EOF | kubectl apply -f -
kind: VirtualService
name: gopher-distributor-virtual-service

  • gopher-distributor.default.svc.cluster.local
  • route:
    • destination:
      host: gopher-distributor.default.svc.cluster.local
      subset: v1
      weight: 50
    • destination:
      host: gopher-distributor.default.svc.cluster.local
      subset: v2
      weight: 50

If we check back in with our test call in the other emulator window/tab, we should now see something a little different. Roughly 50 percent of the responses are coming from the v2 instance of the **gopher-distributor** service:

Request » Gopher Version 2 from pod gopher-distributor-v2-6d5887bb96-vzc4x (817b00a0b7cca7a5)
Request » Gopher Version 1 from pod gopher-distributor-694fd4f4db-24csn
Request » Gopher Version 2 from pod gopher-distributor-v2-6d5887bb96-xjh45 (4246faf2c16d238a)
Request » Gopher Version 1 from pod gopher-distributor-694fd4f4db-gnn4g
Request » Gopher Version 2 from pod gopher-distributor-v2-6d5887bb96-xcrxh (6f33515876dfa2eb)
Request » Gopher Version 1 from pod gopher-distributor-694fd4f4db-24csn


Let's now wrap things up with a full cutover and send 100 percent of requests to the new v2 instance of the **gopher-distributor** service.

cat «EOF | kubectl apply -f -
kind: VirtualService
name: gopher-distributor-virtual-service

  • gopher-distributor.default.svc.cluster.local
  • route:
    • destination:
      host: gopher-distributor.default.svc.cluster.local
      subset: v2
      weight: 100

You'll see all of responses are coming back from the new v2 instance of the **gopher-distributor** service.

Request » Gopher Version 2 from pod gopher-distributor-v2-6d5887bb96-xcrxh (353130990d3d3bad)
Request » Gopher Version 2 from pod gopher-distributor-v2-6d5887bb96-vzc4x (93ec1cdc162261e4)
Request » Gopher Version 2 from pod gopher-distributor-v2-6d5887bb96-xjh45 (6986a4496f15c931)
Request » Gopher Version 2 from pod gopher-distributor-v2-6d5887bb96-xcrxh (c6d4ab12d05ab45f)
Request » Gopher Version 2 from pod gopher-distributor-v2-6d5887bb96-vzc4x (67d56a7d02b15803)
Request » Gopher Version 2 from pod gopher-distributor-v2-6d5887bb96-xjh45 (c46eebd43f7eb07b)

That's a wrap

As you can see, it's pretty easy to get Istio up and running within EKS. With the introduction of Dynamic Admission Controllers it got even easier to add you services in to the Istio service mesh. Istio offers a lot of really awesome features that remove so much of the heavy lifting that development teams traditionally had to do in order to monitor and operate complex distributed applications.